
WV 200 - General Works WV 225 - Tympanic Membrane WV 255 - Vestibular apparatus. Equilibrium. Spatial orientation WV 272 - Physiology of hearing. Auditory perception. Tinnitus. Function Tests
WV 201 - Anatomy. Physiology WV 230 - Middle Ear. Eustachian Tube. Petrous Bone WV 258 - Meniere's Disease WV 274 - Hearing Aids
WV 210 - Examination. Diagnosis WWV 232 - Otitis Media (including aerotitis) WV 265 - Otosclerosis WV 276 - Treatment of deafness
WV 220 - External Ear WV 233 - Mastoid Region WV 270 - Audiology. Hearing. Hearing Disorders. Deafness WV 280 - Deaf-mutism
WV 222 - Ear Canal. Foreign Bodies. Cerumen WV 250 - Labyrinth WV 271 - Deafness and other hearing disorders in children WV 290 - Neoplasms

© Michael Rowe 1997

Classification Scheme reproduced by kind permission of the National Library of Medicine
