WL 340.5 - Aphasia Bookmarks

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Last Updated 22 January 2011

Organizations | Electronic Journals | Electronic Books | Clinical Guidelines | Online Medical Dictionary | Search Engines

Academy of Aphasia
Afasialasten tuki ry
Afasie Vereniging Nederland
Afasiforbundet i Norge
Afasiforbundet i Sverige
Aivohalvaus- ja dysfasialiitto ry
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Aphasia Alliance
Aphasia Association of New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Inc.
Aphasia Forum
Aphasia Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.
Aphasia Hope Foundation
Aphasia Institute
Aphasia Mailing List
Aphasia Now
Aphasia Research Center
Aphasie Suisse
Asociación de Amigos Afásicos de Argentina
Asosiashon Afasia Kòrsou
Association Avenir Dysphasie
Association Internationale Aphasie
Association Luxembourgeoise des Aphasiques
AQPA (Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques)
Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice - ASLTIP
Associazione Italiana Afasici
Australian Aphasia Association Inc.
British Aphasiology Society
Bundesverband Aphasie e. V.
Bundesverband für die Rehabilitation der Aphasiker e. V.
Bundeszentrum für Aphasie
Clinical Aphasiology Conference
Communication Matters
Fédération Nationale des Aphasiques de France
Federazione Associazioni Italiana Afasici
Fundación Argentina de Afasia Charlotte Schwarz
Instituto Mexicano de la Audicion y el Lenguaje
Integrationszentrum für Aphasiker e.V.
International Aphasia Project
Intute: Health and Life Sciences - browse Aphasia
Junge Aphasiker
MedlinePlus: Aphasia
National Aphasia Association
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Aphasia Information Page
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) - Aphasia
Päijät-Hämeen dysfaattisten ja kuulovammaisten lasten tuki ry
Pirkanmaan Dysfasiayhdistys ry
Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) Program
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Aphasie (SAA)
Speech, Language and Hearing Centre
Suomen Afasiasäätiö
Svenska Dysfagiförbundet
Tavistock Trust for Aphasia
Triangle Aphasia Project
UK Connect
Vereniging Afasie v.z.w.

Electronic Journals

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals - Neurology
Free Medical Journals - Neurology

Aphasiology RSS Feed
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics RSS Feed
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Electronic Books

DigitalBookIndex: NEUROLOGY
FreeBookcentre.Net - Free neurology ebooks
FreeBooks4Doctors! - Neurology

The Early History of Aphasiology (Dr. R.S. Prins)
"Explaining Aphasia: Power Point Presentation" by Maureen Will, Captain, Support Services, Brookfield, CT Police Department
Le langage intérieur et les diverses formes de l’aphasie (Ballet G. - 1888)

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On-line Medical Dictionary

Search Engines

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© Michael Rowe 1997

Classification Scheme reproduced by kind permission of the National Library of Medicine
